The Process - The process I use can be defined by the following steps: Listen, Research, Define, Visualize, Prototype, Rinse and Repeat, and Deliver
Step 2 Research - After I gathered info about the project I start to look at existing content and systems. I figure out whats been done before and leverage that knowledge.
Step 5 - Prototype - As the concepts gel, I pull them into actual prototypes of what the end product may look like.
Step 6 - Rise and Repeat - Keep tweaking designing and doing reviews to produce final designs.
My first step in the process is to listen and gather as much information as possible about the project from as many application sources as I can find.
Step 3 - Define - I pull together the research and information and begin to define the problem.

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Step 4 - Visualize - With the who what and where properly defined, its time to visualize and create the solution that will meet the needs of the user and the organization.
Final Step - Deliver - When the final designs and prototypes are accepted, I focus on the deliverables.